
July: California

Chris and I decided that since we were moving across the country at the end of the summer, we should have an extended stay in California while we were still in the west.  We made it to Redlands for the 4th of July (the 4th is my favorite and Redlands has the BEST fireworks show)... and spent most days swimming at the 5th Avenue.  The Foster clan (minus Trevor and his family) went camping at Doheny for a week while we were there too so it was definitely a fun-filled trip to California
My beautiful mom and sisters before the fireworks
Baby Girl and Chris at the stadium, July 4th


Hazel took her first dip in the pool and its only fitting that it was at the 5th Avenue.  I grew up swimming here so it has a special place in my heart.  Hopefully this was just the first of many 5th Avenue pool days for baby girl.
Love my farmer-tanned mountain man... he put in some hard work this summer to earn those tan lines.


Also, while we were home my nephew Chase got his mission call!!  I cannot believe that he is old enough to go on a mission!  I feel like it was just yesterday that the tiniest, chubbiest, cutest little boy joined our family.  He is going to be such a great missionary and we are so excited for him.  He reported to the MTC on Oct. 1 to the Wichita, KS mission. 


We were able to meet up with some friends at San Onofre while we there too... Jennilee is one of my very best friends and I hadn't seen her since just after we got married!  Far too long if you ask me... but we met up with her and her family, along with some friends from Hawaii and it was sooo fun.  Hazel loves the beach as much as I do.
Best friends...10 years and counting
On the way home from San Onofre, Chris and I stopped for some tacos in one of his old mission areas.   They were so good they were picture worthy and definitely worth blogging about.  My mouth is watering just thinking about them. 


Hazel drove us to Garden Grove for a couple of days too to visit Chris' aunt and uncle.

Hazel and her second cousin Brantley... we tried really hard to get a decent picture of the two of them but this was the best we could get.

Hazel and Aunt Sara

 And this is Hazel looking as cute as ever after church... love this little outfit.  Every girl needs a good tutu
It's like stealing candy from a baby... Hazel thought she could pull a fast one on us and be a candy-STEALING baby but she was caught red-handed.

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